Educational trip inquiry
Please contact us from the form below if you would like to stay in an educational trip (group).
The person in charge will contact you.
Please note that it may take some time to contact you.
Travel company name Required
Department nameRequired
Person in chargeRequired
E-mail address re-enterRequired
Phone NumberRequired Example) 012-345-6789 (Half-width numbers / -Yes)
FAX Number Example) 012-345-6789 (Half-width numbers / -Yes)
Street address (Half-width numbers )
 City or county Required
 Town / Chome / Address Required
 Building name (apartment, condominium), room number, etc.
School name Required
Desired number of people Required
Number of classes Student Teacher Tour conductor Other
Preferred date Required
First choice
Second hope
Third hope
Check where you need a meal
If you are staying for more than four days, please fill in the remarks column after the fourth day
First day   Breakfast   Lunch   Dinner
Day 2  Breakfast   Lunch   Dinner
Third day  Breakfast   Lunch   Dinner
Active learning Required
Please check the dates you would like to experience learning.
If you are staying for more than four days, please fill in the remarks column after the fourth day.
First day   Wish   Don't want
Day 2   Wish   Don't want
Third day   Wish   Don't want
Remarks column